
Welcoming Community Relations & Government Affairs Manager: Julia Salas

Julia Salas welcome image

Communities In Schools of Nevada (CIS), the nation’s leading evidence-based stay-in-school organization serving 108 schools throughout the state, announces the appointment of Julia Salas to community relations and government affairs manager.   

Salas is responsible for working closely with regions in Clark, Elko, Humboldt and Washoe Counties to execute local, state and federal government affairs initiatives to advance CIS’ public funding and policy priorities. Salas also works with the project development team to ensure the presence of elected officials and government leaders at CIS and school campus events.  

Prior to joining CIS, Salas was the executive assistant to Nevada Assemblywoman Shea Backus. She has also worked on several U.S. Senate and presidential campaigns. Salas is currently earning her master’s degree in communication management at the University of Southern California.  

About Communities In Schools of Nevada 

CIS places full-time and professionally trained site coordinators in 108 K-12 Title I and high-needs schools across the state to support nearly 100,000 students who face barriers to their success—increasing the likelihood of students staying in school and graduating on time. The organization taps into a statewide network of more than 120 community nonprofits, partners and agencies, literally bringing the community into the school, to get students whatever they need to overcome the barriers they face that prevent them from achieving academically. Wraparound services may include eyeglasses, dental care, health care and professional counseling, food, school supplies, clothing and housing. CIS identifies student needs and finds a way to address them, closing the gaps they experience in their everyday lives. CIS’ long-term vision is for every child enrolled in a Title I or high-needs school to have access to a CIS site coordinator and wraparound services. For CIS case-managed students throughout Nevada who were eligible to graduate in the 2021-2022 school year, 94 percent received their diploma or GED. For more information, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Contact: Cherryl Kaopua, The Warren Group, [email protected], 702-408-8334  

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